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Clinic Info:
Skeet 101
My skeet 101 clinic is comprised of two main components a powerpoint presentation and an on range portion. The powerpoint is a very informative point by point breakdown of the basics, fundamentals and mechanics involved in skeet shooting. It is always enjoyed by all that attend and creates some great dialogue, it really gets shooters thinking about the sport in a whole new way and is an important key to unlocking ones shooting potential. The best part is all shooters receive a hard copy of the presentation. This allows them to continue reviewing what they learned the day of the clinic and on track to mastering a mechanically sound game. Ones learning never ends in skeet and reviewing the basics regularly and keeping yourself accountable to the fundamentals is 100% necessary if you’re chasing new skeet goals. Expert musicians practice scales every time they pick up their instruments, professional hockey players work on their skating and stick handling. These are generally boring tasks but they are the basics and they truly separate amateurs from professionals. There is no difference in skeet, the basics are a necessary “evil” and cannot be overlooked if you are trying to master the sport, or just improve.
The second component is the on range time, which begins before we start the powerpoint. First, we head out to the range and I have all attendees shoot one or two full rounds of skeet with no instruction. Here I analyze their game and make notes on what each shooter will work on that day and beyond. After the powerpoint and lunch, we head out on the range for 3-4 hours of range time, where we try to apply what we learned during the powerpoint to our game. As well as, modify specific elements to each individual shooter, that will help them progress at a much faster rate.
My skeet 101 clinics have received excellent reviews and I really enjoy hearing from my past attendees on their progress and how my clinics have improved their skeet game.
Skeet 201
The skeet 201 course is for those who have already attended my 101 course. It is an advanced skeet course involving either, a short powerpoint I created for my level 2 NSSA Instructors course, called Sports Psychology for the Intermediate shooter and a long (5-6 hour) range block. Or, a straight 7 hour range block. Depending on what the club would like. The powerpoint overviews the basics of what mental attributes are necessary to unlock ones potential. An athletes mental game in any sport will determine whether you can handle the pressure of competition, in skeet, it will make or break your ability to run straights or whether you win or lose in a shootoff. You may have all the mechanics down pat, but if you are weak mentally, your mechanics can mean little to nothing. I am not a sports psychologist, but I have worked with some and done extensive study on the subject and I am ALWAYS working on improving my own mental game. It is not nearly as straight forward as learning the fundamentals. It will help you learn a lot about yourself and this is important not only in skeet but in your personal and professional lives as well.